Light Within Me

Light Within Me Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari /Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai /Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni

Islam and Nationalism: A Theoretical Point of View

Islam and Nationalism: A Theoretical Point of View S. Ahmad Rahnamaei

Islamic Gnosis (Irfan) and Wisdom (Hikmat)

Islamic Gnosis (Irfan) and Wisdom (Hikmat) Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi

Human Rights Nature, Concept, Origin and Development

Human Rights Nature, Concept, Origin and Development Manzoor



Critique of Marxist Philosophy

Critique of Marxist Philosophy Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr

Hermeneutical Foundations for Islamic Social Sciences

Hermeneutical Foundations for Islamic Social Sciences Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen

Dialectical Relations of Modernity and Tradition

Dialectical Relations of Modernity and Tradition Saefur Rochmat

Faked Fakes: Art Strategy and Art Tactic

Faked Fakes: Art Strategy and Art Tactic

Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education Dr. Hamid Reza Alavi