- Foreword
- Notes
- Prologue
- Notes
- The Holy Prophet of Islam
- His Birth And Lineage, And The Time Of His Death
- His Names, Epithets And Honorable Lineage
- The Span Of His Life, Peace Be Upon Him
- Notes
- Concerning his Resplendant Signs and Miracles
- Notes
- The Beginning of the Call
- The Beginning of his Call
- The Quraysh Admit the Miraculous Qualities of The Qur'an
- How Allah Protected Muhammad Against The Mockers
- The Migration to Abyssinia and an-Naiashi's assent to Muhammad's Prophethood
- The Prophet is Persecuted by the Associators and Hamzah accepts Islam
- The Prophet's Night Journey to Jerusalem and his Hiding in a Ravine Belonging to Abu Talib
- The Prophet Offers Himself To Neighboring Arab Tribes. The Allegiance Of The Ansar To Him, And The Event Of Al-`Aqabah
- The Signs Which were Revealed Concerning His Prophethood, and Other Events of His Life Until He was Commanded to Fight
- Notes
- A General Account of the Prophet's Battles
- The Great Battle Of Badr
- The Raid of Dhu Amarr
- The Raid Of Al-Qaradah
- The Battle Of Uhud
- The Battle Of Hamra'u'l-Asad
- The Raid of Ma'nnah
- The Battle against the Banu 'n-Nadir
- The Battle against the Tribe of Lihyan
- The Battle of Banu 'l-Mustaliq
- The Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyyah
- The Battle Of Khaybar
- The Engagement Of Mu'tah
- The Conquest Of Mecca
- The Engagement of Hunayn
- The Siege of At-Ta'if
- The Battle Of Tabuk
- The Death of The Prophet
- Notes
- His Wives, Children and Relatives
- The Wives Of The Apostle Of Allah And His Children
- The Prophet's Paternal Uncles And Aunts
- The Prophet's Relatives In Nursing
- The Prophet's Male and Female Clients, and His Maidservants
- Notes
- Fatimah Az-Zahra', Daughter of the Holy Prophet of Islam
- Her Birth, Names and Epithets
- Proofs of her `Ismah (Sinlessness), some of the Signs Proving her Status with Allah, and Traditions indicating her Excellence and Exalted Status
- The time of Fatimah's Death and the Spot of her Grave
- Note