- Introduction
- The Meaning of Islam
- The Misconception that Islam was spread by Force
- Just War Theory and Practice in Islam
- Islamic Principles Enjoin Mercy and Condemn Aggression
- Islamic General Principles Champion Comprehensive Peace
- Respect for the human life
- Equality of human status
- The unity and inviolability of the religion of Allah for all humans
- Encouragement of fruitful cooperation between Muslims and the People of the Book (Jews and Christians)
- Sincerity and purity in advising others
- Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil
- Islamic forms of worship encourage brotherhood and egalitarian values
- Necessity of all to seek beneficial knowledge
- Environmental protection and preservation
- Social Welfare including support of orphans, the needy and destitute
- Principles of Endowment
- Islamic Morals Promote Comprehensive Peace
- Islam Enjoins Believers to Observe the Following Moral Obligations and Recommendations to Promote Peace
- Islam enjoins truth
- Islam enjoins justice
- Islam enjoins altruism
- Islam enjoins brotherhood
- Islam enjoins the maintenance of righteous company
- Islam enjoins reconciliation and peace making
- Islam enjoins maintaining a good character and morals
- Islam enjoins generosity
- Islam enjoins on Muslims to hide mistakes and omissions of others
- Islam enjoins upon patience
- Examples of Acts Prohibited in Islam which help Promote Peace
- Polytheism and Idolatry
- Sorcery and magic of all types
- Aggression and oppression
- Unkind treatment towards parents, children and kindred
- Adultery, fornication, slander etc
- Intoxicants and Gambling
- Stealing, robbery, unlawful acquisition of property and wealth
- Monopoly and hording
- Misuse of the wealth and the assets of an orphan
- Abuse of authority
- Torture
- False testimonies and oaths
- Betrayal and breach of trust in contracts
- Slander and backbiting
- Name-calling and mocking others
- Hatred, contempt and resentment against others
- Social boycott (unless under strict conditions)
- Cursing and abusive language
- Stinginess and miserliness
- Extravagance and lavish spending
- Exaggeration and extremism
- Arrogance and false pride
- All unjust acts leading to disputes, quarrels and feuds among people
- Misrepresentation of facts and false reporting
- Fits of Rage, Temper tantrums, and use of offensive and abusive language
- Glee and malicious joy over the sufferings of others
- Undue interference with things that do not concern him
- Unjust ruling and sentences
- Spying on others
- Spreading the mistakes of others, and slandering
- Exploitation of others, especially the easily victimized like the destitute or elderly
- Inconveniences to others, especially neighbors
- Conclusion