- Publisher’s Preface
- Translators Foreword
- Ancestry of the Holy Prophet (S) and Circumstances of His Forefathers
- Ancestry of The Holy Prophet (S)
- Creation of Effulgence (Noor)
- Ancestors Of The Holy Prophet (S)
- Account Of The Army Of The Elephant
- Condition Of Arabs And Meccans Before The Arrival Of The Holy Prophet (S)
- Notes
- Prophecies about the Holy Prophet (S), Birth, appointment, conditions of some faithful persons who lived during Fatara
- Date of birth of Prophet Muhammad (S) and miraculous events of that time
- Events and miracles of the Prophet from infancy to Besat
- Virtues of Lady Khadija (s.a.) and her marriage with the Prophet (S)
- Description of Prophet’s Honorable Names
- Meaning of ‘Ummee’ - The Holy Prophet (S) Knew Every Language, Script And Letters
- Description of Prophet’s Finger-Ring, Clothes, Conveyance And Other Belongings
- Notes
- Prophet’s appearance, character, physique and some miracles
- Habits, character and behavior of the Prophet (S)
- Virtues, excellences and specialties of the Prophet (S)
- Obligatory to respect the Prophet - an account of his social etiquettes
- The Prophet was immune from sins, mistakes and forgetfulness
- Prophet’s perfect knowledge and heritage of past prophets
- Miracle of the Holy Qur’an
- Miracles similar to all prophets were shown by the Holy Prophet (S)
- Miracles related to the Celestial World
- Miracles manifested in terrestrial objects
- Miracles manifested in children and animals
- Miracles averting the harm of enemies
- Miracles of Prophet against demons and Jinns
- The Prophet (S) reports about the Unseen
- Notes
- The Holy Prophet (S) assumes the prophetical office
- Ascension of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Migration to Habasha
- Confinement in Shebe Abu Talib - events leading to migration to Medina
- Migration to Medina
- Prophet’s arrival in Medina
- Notes
- Miscellaneous skirmishes till the Battle of Badr
- Notes
- Greater Battle of Badr
- Notes
- Skirmishes and incidents between Badr and Uhud
- Notes
- Battle of Uhud
- Notes
- Battle of Humral Asad
- Notes
- Battles between Uhud and Khandaq
- Notes
- Battle of Khandaq
- Notes
- Battle of Bani Quraiza - Martyrdom of Saad bin Maaz - Abu Lubabah repents
- Notes
- Battles and events between Khandaq and Hudaibiyah
- Notes
- Hudaibiyah and Rizwan
- Notes
- Conquest of Khyber and Ja’far’s return from Habasha
- Notes
- Expedition of Umratul Qaza - letters inviting Kings to embrace Islam - events upto the Battle of Mutah
- Notes
- Account of the Battle of Mutah
- Note
- Battle of Zatul Salasil
- Note
- Conquest of Mecca
- Notes
- Expedition of Hunain and events upto the Battle of Tabuk
- Battle of Hunain
- Battle of Tabuk - Uqbah - Masjid Zirar
- Revelation of Surah Barat
- Notes
- An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) ceremony
- Reply of Haritha and the Absurd Discourse of Aqib
- Haritha’s arguments bewilder Sayyid and Aqib
- The Third Day of Debate
- Haritha defeats Sayyid and Aqib through his arguments
- Haritha proves his claims through Jamia on the Fourth Day
- Qualities of the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in the scroll of Sheeth (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia
- Qualities of the Prophet in the scroll of Ibrahim (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia
- Sayyid and Aqib confess to what is written in Jamia
- Debate with the Holy Prophet (S)
- The Holy Prophet (S) brings his family members
- Sayyid and Aqib send Manzar with an offer of peace
- Notes
- Events that took place till the Farewell Hajj]
- Part Two: Deputation of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Yemen
- Amr bin Shas complains about Amirul Momineen (a.s.)
- The Prophet prays for Imam Ali (a.s.)
- Complaint against a judgment of Ali (a.s.)
- Obedient Horses
- Part three: Arrival of Arab delegations and events that occurred till the Farewell Hajj
- Notes
- Farewell Hajj - description of Hajj and Umrah rituals
- Birth of Muhammad bin Abi Bakr
- Imam Ali (a.s.) reaches Mecca before his troops and meets the Prophet
- Sermon of the Prophet in Ghadeer Khum
- Companions pay Allegiance to Imam Ali (a.s.)
- The Messenger of Allah (S) transfers Divine knowledge to Ali (a.s.)
- Abu Bakr and Umar learn the Secret
- The Prophet identifies the hypocrites for Huzaifa
- Salim reveals his enmity to Ali (a.s.)
- Text of the Document
- The Document is buried in Kaaba
- Ayesha reveals the Secret
- The Holy Prophet (S) authorizes Ali (a.s.) to divorce any of wives
- The Prophet orders Usamah’s army to march at the earliest
- The Trio leaves Usamah’s Army
- The Prophet informs that a great mischief has entered Medina at night
- Events of the 10th year of Hijri
- Events of the 11th year of Hijri
- Notes
- Miscellaneous points about the Prophet - details of his companions -debates with polytheists, Jews and Christians etc
- Companions leave the Prophet to buy merchandise
- A Bedouin embraces Islam and then dies
- Story of Jumana binte Zahaf Ashjai
- Sending of an army under Zaid bin Haritha
- Strange incidents of the army of Zaid
- Excellence of the rituals of beginning of the month of Shaban
- Excellence of repayment of debt
- Heavenly rewards during illness
- Allah likes Generosity
- An angel subjects a person to a test
- The Prophet restrains from anger
- Verse in condemnation of Walid
- Cheating in business condemned
- Control over tongue
- Restlessness of a companion about the Prophet
- Persons of uncertain faith
- Condemnation of a hypocrite
- A Verse is revealed about Uthman
- Condemnation of Amr bin Aas and Uqbah bin Muit
- Paradise in exchange of a tree
- The Holy Prophet (S) prays for the King of Yemen
- Love for Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) causes Salvation
- Thalaba bin Hatib and prayer of the Prophet
- Excellence of Tashbihat Arba
- Safety from trouble of Neighbor
- Divine rewards of relations with one’s wife
- The Prophet condemns husbands who resort to abstinence
- Prayer seeking forgiveness
- Certainty on the promise of divine rewards and punishment
- A person believes in the Prophet before his migration to Medina
- One who does not ask is made needless by Allah
- Emphasis on refraining from asking for something
- Silk garments detested
- Miserliness criticized
- Allah does not like one who does not suffer any loss
- Arrogance of a rich man and humility of a poor man
- The worst is one whose tongue is feared by the people
- Don’t cheat in selling
- Strictness is allowed in unauthorized entry into homes
- A man embraces Islam after being released by the Prophet
- An ugly face is also a divine blessing
- The Prophet announced immunity from the hypocrites
- Reward of prolonging the Sajdah
- Drinking the Fasad blood of the Prophet
- A man’s love for the Prophet and the Prophet prays for his well being
- Psychology of Women
- Obedience of the husband
- Majority of women will go to Hell
- Misbehavior to the husband
- A worshipper who is engaged in some business is better than one who is unemployed
- Hypocrites ask the Prophet to show them their stations in Paradise
- Notes
- An Account of the Prophet’s Children
- Ruqaiyyah is saved from the squeeze of the grave
- Notes
- Wives of the Prophet - their number and a brief account of them
- Account of the marriage of Zainab
- Account of Lady Umm Salma
- Account of Ayesha and Hafasa
- Notes
- An Account of the relatives and servants of the Prophet
- Account of that truthful; one who was a friend of the Prophet before his declaration of prophethood
- Brief Account of Muhajireen, Ansar and Companions
- Notes
- An Account of some Senior Companions
- Excellence and good qualities of Salman Farsi
- An Account of Abu Dharr
- An Account of Miqdad bin Aswad Kindi
- Notes
- Excellence of the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (S) and some facts about it
- Notes
- Bequests of the Messenger of Allah (S) and incidents that occurred at the time of his death
- Notes
- Death of the Prophet and the incidents after his demise
- Notes
- Incidents that occurred at the tomb of the Prophet
- Notes