- Translators Note
- Introduction
- Notes
- The Purpose of the Acts of Worship
- The Islamic piety is not against the principles of everyday life
- Summary
- Being A Servant of God Is Man’s Dignity
- Impact of Worship at Soul
- Hajj, A Lively Act
- Hajj of most people is devoid of spirit
- Hajj Devoid of Spirit Has No Living Effects
- Notes
- Social Effects of Hajj
- Hajj, The Assembly Of Dispersed Powers In Single Forum
- Calling to Hajj Is Calling To Unity of Power
- Hajj, Man’s Ascension To Heaven
- The Kaaba’s Wonderful Attraction
- How lovingly pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba
- People’s inclination towards the Kaaba, unusual
- Why should guardians of spirituality be settled in a desert
- What great asset has been given to muslims
- The Kaaba, a security for the survival of human society
- The Kaaba, a sanctuary and a place of security
- Ignoring Hajj means dispersion in human society
- The Prophesy of the Abandonment of the Kaaba and Its Sinister Effects in Traditions
- Hajj, God’s Right To Man and Man’s Gratefulness To Him
- The true benefactor is God and offering thanks is obligatory
- God Accept Generously Every Little Deed
- Thankfulness Benefits Man, Not God
- Thankfulness To God Makes Man Distinct From Animals
- Call To Worship Is Man’s Dignity
- Why is an ungrateful man more astray than beasts
- Call to Hajj Is God’s Grace to Man
- Some of the Wonderful Blessings of Hajj According To Traditions
- Not All Hajj Pilgrims Are Equal in Terms of Reward
- Why Is the Difference in Reward?
- Hajj Is the Market of the Hereafter
- Hajj Pilgrims Are God’s Guests
- Forsaker of Hajj Is Not Human
- The Kaaba, Emblem of Islam
- Hajj Removes Poverty and Social Disobedience
- Ignoring Hajj Leads To Weakness of the Religion and the Unbelievers’ Domination Over Muslims
- No Charity Can Replace Hajj
- Spending A Mountain of Red Gold in the Sake of God Does Not Equal Going On Hajj
- One Dirham Is Better Than Thousands
- Neither Forsake Hajj Nor Dissuade Others
- The blessings of Hajj on all people of the world
- Where Are the Positive Effects of Hajj On the Ummah?
- The Holy Prophet Worries about Hajj at the End of the World
- We Have To Confess This Bitter Fact
- The Fault Lies With Us
- Notes
- Spiritual Philosophy of Hajj
- God’s favor to man
- The King Makes A Palace in A Ruined Village
- Hajj, A Display of Man’s Spiritual Journey
- The Holy Qur’an has blamed the heedless worshippers
- The Imams; the Truth of the Religion and Religious Duties
- The Imam is the criterion of the belief, ethics, and deeds
- The Imam, the straight path of god
- Summary
- Hajj, Spiritual Journey Not Physical Acts
- The Hajj of Prophet Ibrahim (as), A Spiritual One
- Content, Not Form, Is Important
- Read the Following Reports and Get To Know the Feature of A Shiite Muslim
- Note
- What Is the Cause of Skepticism
- The Skepticism of A Materialist Thirteen Centuries Ago
- Why Was God’s House Not Built in A Pleasant Area?
- Why Do Hajj Acts Not Please the Intellect and Temperament?
- God’s Trial Is Difficult
- Failure of People of Sabbath in God’s Trial
- Trial of Talut’s Army
- Another trial of the children of Israel
- Prophet Ibrahim and God’s Strange Trial
- Summary
- Questions of Practical Laws of Islam
- Note
- The Aim of Questioning the Philosophy of the Practical Laws of Islam
- Why Are We in Need For A Divine Revelation?
- What Is Religious Obedience?
- God Is in No Need For Our Obedience
- Notes
- Stages of Hajj
- Beginning of the journey and going through different stages
- Stage One: Pure Intention
- Stage Two: Repentance
- Stage Three: Detachment From What Is Not Godly
- Choosing A Co-Traveler
- Good Temperament
- Notes
- Halting Places
- Halting Place 1: Miqat
- Holding of Tongue Important in State of Ihram
- Halting Place 2: Mataaf
- Imam Baqir (as) by the side of the Kaaba
- Beware, This Is the Precinct of the Kaaba, and A Holy Place
- Survival of the Kaaba, A Wonder
- Importance of the Circumambulation of the Kaaba
- The position of one who has the honor of circumambulation
- Halting Place 3: Mas’aa
- Halting Place 4: Mount Arafat
- Where Is Arafat?
- Man will not become familiar with God as long as he is attached to the world
- Day of Arafat Is the Day of Supplication To God
- Duaa Has Its Own Effect
- Beware! Here Is Arafat
- Good Tidings: Imam Mahdi (as) is present in Arafat
- Take the Opportunity For Duaa
- Ask forgiveness for your parents, relatives, and all believers in Arafat
- Now, Supplication To God
- The Sun in Arafat Is Setting
- Good Tidings
- Halting Place 5: Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram
- Restrain Your Anger
- Al-Mash’ar or The Meeting Place of God’s Lovers
- Night, Time of Communion With God
- Now It Is Night, the Even of Feast of Sacrifice in Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram
- Reflect For An Hour
- Night in Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram and Reflection
- The Philosophy of Staying Overnight in Al-Mash’ar
- Praiseworthiness of Picking Up Pebbles in Al-Mash’ar
- Al-Mash’ar Al-Haram, A Sign of Islamic Education
- Halting Place 6: Mina, the Place of Sacrifice
- Ramy Al-Jamarat in Mina and Its Philosophy
- Offering Animal Sacrifice in Mina and Its Philosophy
- Islam Has Two Official Feasts
- Social Aspect of Sacrifice in Mina
- A Living Religion Needs Both Mosque and Sacrifice
- Sacrifice, Existed Among Former Nations
- The Spiritual Philosophy of Offering Sacrifice
- Economic Profits in Sacrifice
- How to use the meat of a sacrificed animal according to the Holy Qur’an and traditions
- Halq and Taqsir in Mina and the Philosophy
- Summary
- Staying Overnight in Mina
- Understanding Among the Ummah in Mina
- Nights in Mina and Communion With God
- Kheif Mosque in Mina
- Halting Place 7: Visitation of the Kaaba and Kissing the Black Stone
- The Black Stone, God’s Hand On the Earth
- The Black Stone Is of Heavenly Essence and God’s Trustee among Servants
- Note
- All Beings in the World Have Two Features
- Summary
- Some Notes
- Kissing and Caressing the Black Stone by Causing Inconvenience to Others
- Avoid Dropping Pebbles Round the Kaaba
- Take Part in the Congregational Prayer and Do Not Leave the Mosque
- Do Not Miss the Opportunity of Performing Circumambulation and Prayer in the Sacred Mosque and Reading the Holy Qur’an
- The Virtue of Prayer in the Sacred Mosque
- The Virtue of Reading the Whole Qur’an in Mecca
- Do Not Miss the Umrah Mufradah
- Notes
- Conclusion of the Hajj Rites
- People of the Pre-Islamic Era Performed Hajj, Too
- O Pilgrims of the Sacred House
- Sermon of Man of Letter
- Imam Sajjad’s Comprehensive Reference To the Secrets of Hajj
- Imam Sadiq’s (as) full instruction on Hajj
- An Analogy Between Man’s Life and the Hajj Rites
- Notes
- Visitation
- Visitation To the Holy Shrine of God’s Messenger
- Love For the Ahl ul-Bayt is Reward of Prophethood
- Wilayat Makes the Hajj Rites Perfect
- Acceptable Hajj
- Visiting the Prophet’s Tomb
- Peace Be Upon You, O Messenger of Allah and Upon Your Pure and Immaculate Household
- Souls of True Believers Keep On Living After Death and They Are Aware of All Events
- Dust from Messengers’ footsteps is life-giving
- Shiites Are in Search of Fatima’s Grave in Medina
- Al-Baqie Cemetery, the Sacred Hall of Audience
- The Martyrs of the Battle of Uhud
- Conclusion of the Journey
- Notes