- Introduction
- Preliminary Notes
- Qur’an and Ahlul-Bayt
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Why School of Ahlul-Bayt?
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 1
- Introduction
- Evidence From Qur’an
- Authentic Traditions
- The verse
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 2
- The Long-Term Custom Of The Prophet After The Revelation Of The Purification Verse
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Those Who Protested Based On The Purification Verse To Prove The Virtues Of The Holy Family
- 1. Imam al-Hasan Ibn ‘Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- 2. Ummul Mu’minin, Umm Salama (ra)
- Sunni References
- 3. Ibn Abbas (ra)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 3
- The Incident Of Mubahala
- Sunni References
- Here is the Arabic text of the above tradition given by both
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 4
- Matrimonial Relationship
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 5
- The Mother Of Believers
- The Best Wife Of The Prophet Vs. The Most Envious
- Sunni References
- Sunni references: Ibn Asakir, as quoted in Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor
- Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5.168.b
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 6
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 7
- Aisha After The Prophet’s Demise
- Agitation Against Uthman
- Sunni References
- The Battle Of Camel
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Part 8
- Background Of Enmity Of Aisha Against Imam ‘Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Aisha Was A Test
- Examples Of Women Mentioned In Qur’an
- Conclusion
- The Word House (Ahlul-Bayt) in Qur’an
- House Of Abraham (as)
- House of Imran (as)
- House Of Noah (as)
- Sunni Feedback on the Issues of Infallibility and Ahlul-Bayt
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- (3) al-Jami’ al-Kabir, by al-Tabarani
- (4) al-Isabah, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
- Who Offended the Blind?
- Chapter 80 (Abas)
- Shi’i References
- Side Comments
- Infallibility of the Prophets Part 1
- Introduction
- Disclaimer
- Infallibility According to the Sunnis
- Infallibility According to the Shi’a
- The Concept of Infallibility
- The Qur’an Speaks About the Prophets
- (End of quote from A. Yusuf ‘Ali)
- Infallibility of the Prophets Part 2
- Reason And Logic
- Reference To Infallibility In Sahih Al-Bukhari
- Reference To Infallibility In Sahih Al-Tirmidhi
- Infallibility of the Prophets Part 3
- Side Comments
- Conclusion
- Leadership and Infallibility Part 1
- Imamat Is Of Allah’s Grace
- Superiority Of The Imam
- Infallibility Of The Imam
- The Real Meaning Of Ulul-Amr
- Leadership and Infallibility Part 2
- Believe In Ulul-Amr
- The Twelve Imams Part 1
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Few Facts About The Twelve Imams Of Ahlul-Bait
- The Twelve Imams Part 2
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Side Comments
- The Holy Qur’an and the Pure Imams
- The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- How to Send Greetings to Prophet Muhammad?
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Side Comment
- Is Being a Member of a Party Forbidden in Islam?
- The Term Shi’a in Qur’an and Hadith
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Side Comments
- Al-Azhar Verdict on the Shi’a
- English and Arabic text Images
- The Last Luminary
- Jamaica, NY 11435-4123 USA
- Sunni Documentation on Imam al-Mahdi (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Special specifications of Imam al-Mahdi (as)
- Imam Al-Mahdi’s Identification
- Sunni References
- Surely, it is a great a pleasure
- Necessity of the Existence of Imam al-Mahdi (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- More on Imam al-Mahdi (as)
- The Knowledge of The Unseen & The Knowledge of The Book
- The Knowledge Of The Unseen
- The Knowledge Of The Book
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni Reference: al-Awsat, by al-Tabarani
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Concluding Remarks
- Side Comments
- Some Traditions on the Virtues of Imam ‘Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- The First Muslim
- It is also narrated that
- The Major Difference Between the Shi’a and the Sunni
- Ghadir Khum Part 1
- The Farewell Pilgrimage
- The Speech
- Some of the Sunni References
- Oath Of Allegiance
- Sunni References
- The Number Of People In Ghadir Khum
- Sunni reference: Manaqib, by Ibn al-Jawzi
- Sunni References
- The Events That Imam ‘Ali (as) Reminded The Tradition
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- A More Detailed Speech Of Prophet At The Pond Of Khum
- References
- Ghadir Khum Part 2
- The Meaning Wali, Mawla, And Wilayah
- Arabic References
- Sunni References
- Sunni reference: Zain al-Fata, by al-Hafiz al-’Asimi
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Ghadir Khum Part 3
- The Chains (Asnad) Of Narrations Of Ghadir Khum
- Sunni Traditionists Who Mentioned The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum
- Sunni Commentators Of Qur’an Who Mentioned Ghadir Khum
- Sunni Historians Who Mentioned The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum
- The Companions Who Narrated The Tradition Of Ghadir Khum
- More Available
- Poetry
- On The Occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir
- Certainly your Master is
- A Few Comments By The Other Commentators
- Who is the successor of the Prophet (S)?
- Sunni References
- The Prophet Announcing His Successor in His First Preach
- Sunni References
- Side Comments
- Sunni reference: Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi
- The Opinion of Imam ‘Ali (as) on Caliphate
- Sermon 7 of Nahjul Balagha: Survey of the Period After The Demise Of The Holy Prophet (S)
- Sunni References
- Respecting the Righteous Companions
- Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari
- Sunni References
- Ammar Ibn Yasir
- Sunni References
- Al-Miqdad Ibn Al-Aswad
- Sunni References
- Salman Al-Farsi
- Ibn Abbas
- A Shi’ite View of the Companions
- Introduction
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- The Holy Qur’an
- The Authentic Traditions
- The Tragedy of Thursday
- Side Comments
- Conspiracy Against Imam Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Side Comments
- Sunni References
- Sunnah Of The Prophet (S)
- About Saqifah
- More On Companions
- Shedding the Blood of Innocents
- Collecting Gold And Silver
- The Companions Among One Another
- Side Comments: Responses To Sunni Brothers
- The Enemies of Islam as Depicted in Nahjul Balagha
- Attacking the House of Fatimah (sa)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- The Opinion of the Prophet About Who Hurts Fatimah
- Sunni References
- Where Is Her Grave?
- Sunni References
- Appendix
- Usurping the Land of Fadak
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Lady Fatimah (sa) protests against Abu Bakr’s Actions
- Sunni References
- More Facts on Fadak
- Comments from Futuhul Buldan by Baladhuri’s
- A Short History of Fadak after the Martyrdom of Fatimah (sa)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- To Make Angry The Progeny Of The Holy Prophet
- Sunni reference
- Shi’a References
- Shi’a References
- Muawiyah and Abusing Imam Ali (as)
- What The Prophet Said About Those Who Fight, Hate, Or Abuse His Ahlul-Bayt
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Muawiyah Instituting The Curse Of Imam ‘Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- 3. al-Suddi
- 4. al-Sha’bi
- 5. Abu Nu’aym
- More Sunni References On The Mischief Of Muawiyah
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Wassalam
- More On Muawiyah
- On His Character
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Reviving The Customs Of The Jahiliyyah
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- On Some Of His Accounts
- Raising Qur’an On Spear
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- The Scribe Of Revelation
- A Side Comment
- Development of History and Hadith Collections
- Shi’a-Sunni And Scrutinizing Hadith
- Islam of Abu Talib Part 1
- Sunni References
- Sunni Reference
- Sunni Reference
- Sunni References
- Islam of Abu Talib Part 2
- A few points on this Chapter
- Sunni References
- Death of Khadija and of Abu Talib (10th Year Of Revelation)
- Then Shibli Numani further writes
- Sunni Reference
- Islam of Abu Talib Part 3
- Qur’an And The Unbelievers
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Islam of Abu Talib Part 4
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- The Marriage Ceremony Of The Prophet (S)
- Abu Talib’s (May Allah Bless His Soul) Last Breath
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Some Shi’ite references on Abu Talib
- Some Side Comments On Abu Talib
- Was Azar the Father of Prophet Abraham?
- Sunni References
- On the Companions Who Murdered Uthman
- Amirul Mu’mineen Mu’awiya ibn Abu Sufyan Radiya Allahu ‘anhu Siffin
- A) Talha
- Sunni References
- B) Al-Zubair
- Sunni reference
- C) Aisha
- Sunni References
- D) Amr Ibn Al-Aas
- The Innovations of the Early Caliphs
- Subject: The Personality Of Uthman (Part 1: Was There No Better Man?)
- Begin (the algorithm)
- Subject: Re: Uthman
- An Important Note
- Subject: The Personality Of Uthman Part 2.3
- Subject: The Personality Of Umar (Part 1: Creation Of New Islamic Law)
- Subject: The personality of Umar (Part 2: Prohibition of Islamic law on temporary marriage)
- Subject: The personality of Umar (Part 3: More on prayrs)
- Sunni References
- Are Munafiqeen counted among Sahabah?
- The Pillars Of Islam
- Shi’a vs. Iran
- Imam Husayn (as): A brief Description and Analysis
- Some Traditions on Imam al-Husayn (as)
- Sunni References
- (4) al-Kubra, by al-Nisa’i
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Umayad Sanctifying Ashura
- Sunni References
- Reasons Behind the Commemoration of Imam al-Husayn (as)
- Subject: Martyrdom of Hussein Bin ‘Ali (The Master of the Youth in Jannah)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Did Imam al-Husayn (as) Know He Would Be killed?
- More On Commemoration
- The Martyred Ones
- Those Martyred In Karbala
- Subject: A Poem For The Fortieth Day Of Martyrdom (Arbaeen)
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 1
- The Martrydom Foretold
- Yazid’s Efforts For Allegiance
- Muslim B. Aqil Is Sent To Kufa
- Imam Hussain’s (as) reply was as follows
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 2
- The Events That Transpired With Muslim B. Aqil
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 3
- Martyrdom Of Muslim Ibn Aqil
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 4
- The Journey, The Martrydom And Other Events
- From al-Husayn b. ‘Ali
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 5
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 6
- Al-Husayn, peace be on him, got up and bathed her face with water
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 7
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 8
- Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis Part 9
- O men who ignorantly killed al Husayn; hear the news of punishment and chastisement
- End of this Series
- References
- The History of al Tabari
- Volume XIX The Caliphate of Yazid b. Muawiyah
- Translated by I.K.A Howard
- Kitab al Irshad
- Shaykh al Mufid
- Translated by I.K.A Howard
- Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 1
- Introduction
- Evidences From Qur’an And The Sunni Commentaries
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 2: Evidences From the Sunni Hadith Collections
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni reference: Sahih al-Tirmidhi
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 3: Evidences From the Sunni History-Fiqh-Miscellanea Books
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni reference: Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v8, p294, via al-Tabari
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 4: Some Contradicting Reports
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 5
- Purpose Of The Marriage
- Some Sunnis claim that based on the following verse of Qur’an
- 1- Having pleasure and enjoying the other partner
- 2- Tranquillity
- 3- Providing an alternative way to avoid the sin of fornication
- 4- Protecting one’s religion
- Mut’a versus Alcohol
- Prohibition of Illegal Sex
- More Side Comments On Mut’a
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 6: Similarities and Differences of Mut’a and Regular Marriage
- 1) Temporary Marriage is NOT Necessarily A Sex Relationship
- 2) Mut’a With Sex Is Strongly Discouraged For A Virgin Girl
- 3) Inheritance
- 4) Financial Support
- 5) The Length Of The Waiting Period (Iddah)
- 6) The Time-Period Of Marriage
- 7) The Due Dowry Vs. Consummation
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 7: The Necessities and the Advantages of Mut’a
- Temporary Marriage in Islam Part 8: Some Frequently Asked Questions on Mut’a
- Text of the Verdict (Fatwa) Issued by His Excellency
- Debate on the Legitimacy of Mut’a
- Introduction
- The Shi’a View
- The Sunni View
- Debate On The Qur’anic Verse Of Mut’a
- Debate Over The Sermon Of Umar
- References
- Debate On The Controversial Reports
- More Arguments On The Hadith
- The Opinion Of The Four Sunni Schools Of Law
- The Opinion Of The Shi’a School Of Law
- References
- Al-Taqiyya, Dissimulation Part 1
- Introduction
- Al-Taqiyya According To The Sunnis
- Sunni Sources In Support Of Al-Taqiyya
- Please refer to Sahih Muslim Volume IV
- English only - Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
- Al-Taqiyya, Dissimulation Part 2
- Al-Taqiyya According To The Shi’a
- Please refer to Shi’ite Islam
- Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatai
- Translated by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
- Al-Taqiyya, Dissimulation Part 3
- Qur’an Speaks: Al-Taqiyya Vs. Hypocrisy
- Reason And Logic
- Comments
- Side Comments on al-Taqiyya
- Khums (one Fifth)
- The History Of Khums
- The Islamic Laws
- Some Sunni References
- Please refer to
- More On Khums
- Tawassul (Resorting to Intermediary)
- Sunni References
- Tawassul - Supplicating Allah Through And Intermediary
- The Hadith Of The Blind Man
- The Hadith Of The Man In Need
- Did Muhammad Receive Revelation by Mistake?!
- Sunni References
- Side Comments
- Imamat versus Prophethood Part 1
- Evidence From Qur’an
- Evidence From Sunni Collections Of Traditions
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Are The Imams Inspired
- Do Imams Meet Angels
- Sunni References
- Imamat versus Prophethood Part 2
- Difference Between Nabi And Rasool
- Imam/Muhaddath
- Sunni references: Ibn Asakir, as quoted in Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor
- Some Side Comments
- Finality of the Prophethood
- Introduction
- Conclusion
- Side Comments To A Bahai
- Shia Scholars
- The Rules of Modesty According to Five Islamic Schools of Law
- Fasting According to Five Islamic Schools of Law
- Disappearance Of The Excuse
- Muftirat
- The Various Kinds Of Fasts
- Obligatory Fasts
- Qada’ Of The Ramadan Fasts
- Fasts Of Atonement (Kaffarah)
- Prohibited Fasts
- The Doubtful Days
- Supererogatory Fasts
- Reprehensible (Makruh) Fasts
- Evidence Of The New Moon
- Call for Prayer According to Five Islamic Schools of Law
- Call For Prayer (Adhan)
- Adhan Is A Sunnah Of Prophet(S)
- The Conditions For Adhan
- The Form Of Adhan
- Iqamah (A call immediately before prayer)
- Call For Prayer & Ablution
- Wudhu’ Or Ablution
- Joining Prayers and Other related Issues
- Prayer (Salat): According to Five Islamic Schools of Law Part 1
- The Daily Supererogatory Prayers (Rawatib)
- The Time Of Zuhr And ‘Asr Prayers
- The Time Of Maghrib And ‘Isha’ Prayers
- The Time Of Subh Prayer
- Ignorance Of The Qiblah (Direction)
- A Subsidiary Issue
- Wajib Covering During Salat
- The Material Used For Covering During Salat
- The Place Of Salat
- Prostrating On Mud
- Prayer (Salat): According to Five Islamic Schools of Law Part 2
- The Essentials (Arkan) Of Salat
- 1. Intention (Niyyah)
- 2. Takbirat al-’Ihram
- 3. Qiyam (standing)
- 4. Qira’ah (reciting)
- 5. Ruku’(bowing)
- 6. Sujud (prostration)
- 7. Tashahhud
- The Hanafis
- The Malikis
- The Shafi’is
- The Hanbalis
- The Imamis
- 8. Tasleem (farewell)
- 9. Sequence (tartib)
- 10. Continuity
- Error And Doubt During Salat
- Doubt in the Number of Prayer Units (Rak’ahs)
- The Festival (‘Id) Prayers
- The Friday Prayer
- Its necessity (Wujub)
- Conditions
- The Friday Sermons
- Its Mode of Performance
- Prayer For Rain
- The Prayer Of The Eclipses
- Belief of Shi’a in the Completeness of Qur’an
- Different Arrangements of Qur’an
- Sunni References
- Some Sunni Reports on the Incompleteness of Qur’an
- The Qur’an Compiled by Imam ‘Ali (as)
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Shi’i References
- Tabarsi and Incompleteness of Qur’an
- The Book of Fatimah (sa)
- Outline of Differences Between Shi’ite and Sunni Schools of Thought
- Introduction
- Person Of God
- Attributes Of Allah
- Shi’i reference: Shi’ite Creed (al-Itqadat al-Imamiyyah), by Shaykh Saduq
- Shi’i reference: Shi’ite Creed (al-Itqadat al-Imamiyyah), by Shaykh Saduq
- Place Of Reason In Religion
- Grace (Lutf Or Tafaddul)
- Sunni reference: Creed of an-Nasafi
- God’s Promises
- Shi’i reference: Shi’ite Creed (al-Itqadat al-Imamiyyah), by Shaykh Saduq
- Why Believe In God
- Limit Of Law
- Our Actions: Taqdir
- Shi’i reference: Shi’ite Creed (al-Itqadat al-Imamiyyah), by Shaykh Saduq
- Prophethood
- Sinlessness
- Imam (Leader)
- Seeing Allah
- Ala Soorateh
- The Way That The God Fills The Hell
- Abu Hurairah or Paul?
- Subject: Abu Huraira (Part 3: His mental and physical conditions)
- Subject: Re: Abu Huraira (Part 3: His mental and physical conditions)
- Subject: Jews/Christians/Muslims (Part 2: Hiding the Truth)
- Subject: Jews/Christians/Muslims (Part 3: Religious text books)
- The Ahl al-Sunnah View of Ibn Taymiya and his Works
- A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law (Fiqh)
- Ibn Taymiyyah
- 1) The Vision Of Allah In The Hereafter
- 2) The Speech Of Allah
- 3) Allah’s Hands
- 4) Allah’s Establishment On The Throne
- Wahhabis
- Abdullah Ibn Saba Part 1
- Introduction
- The Origin Of The Tale
- The Stories About Abdullah Ibn Saba Which Do NOT Have Any Source Or Any Chain Of Transmitters
- Reports About Abdullah Ibn Saba Which Were NOT Transmitted Through Sayf Ibn Umar
- Al-Saba’iya And The Multiple Personality Of Ibn Saba
- Ibn Saba And Shi’a
- Sayf’s Achievements: An Overview
- Abdullah Ibn Saba Part 2
- The Return of Prophet Muhammad (S)
- 1) Qur’an Speaks: Return in the Past
- 2) Qur’an Speaks: Return in the Future
- 3) Qur’an Speaks: Return of the Prophet (S)
- The Sunnis And The Idea Of Al-Raj’a
- The Doctrine Of ‘Ali’s Executorship
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Some of Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Attacking Two of Most Beloved Companions of the Prophet (S) and Their Disciples
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Abdullah Ibn Saba Part 3
- Agitation Against Uthman
- a) Talha
- b) Aisha
- Sunni References
- c) Amr Ibn al-Aas
- Few Reasons Behind The Revolt Against Uthman
- Abdullah Ibn Saba Part 4
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Sunni References
- Short Summary Of Comparing Reports On The Character Of Abdullah Ibn Saba
- Abdullah Ibn Saba Part 5
- The Opinion Of The Historians
- Reference: History of al-Tabari, v15, pp xv-xvii
- The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 1
- Introduction
- Kaab Al-Ahbar
- Ka’b Al-Ahbar Counts The Days Of The Caliph Umar
- Imam ‘Ali’s (as) Attitude Towards Kaab
- Ibn Abbas’s Attitude Towards Kaab
- The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 2
- Kaab Interfered In The Caliphate
- The Companions and the Jewish Influence Part 3
- Kaab During The Reign Of Uthman
- Sunni References
- On Other Incidents
- Kumayl’s Invocation and other Supplications
- Kumayl’s Invocation
- Kumayl’s Life
- The Invocation’s Merit
- The Original Text
- The Supplications for the Days of the Week
- The Supplication for Sunday
- The Supplication for Monday
- The Supplication for Tuesday
- The Supplication for Wednesday
- The Supplication for Thursday
- The Supplication for Friday
- The Supplication for Saturday
- Lessons From the Prophet and the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt: Excerpts from Usul al-Kafi
- Place Of Reason In The Religion (Part 1)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Arabic-English Version, Part 1, Pp 30-31, Tradition #11 (Part 2)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", First Part Of The Tradition #12 (Part 3)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 4)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 5)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 (Part 6)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Chapter Of "Reason And Ignorance", A Part Of Tradition #12 - Majority Vs. Minority (Part 7)
- Shi’ite Reference: Usul Al-Kafi, Arabic-English Version, Part 1, Pp 31-49, Tradition #12 - Love of a Friend (Part 8)
- On Imam ‘Ali (as)
- Islamic Scientists
- 1. Physics
- (a). Abu ‘Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haitham (965 - 1039)
- (b). Abu Raihan al-Biruni (973 - 1051)
- (c). Abu’l Fath’ Abd al-Rahman al-Khazini
- 2. Mathematics
- (a). Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarazmi
- (b). Abul Fath Umar Ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam
- 3. Medicine
- (a). Abu ‘Ali al-Hussain ibn Sina
- (b). Hunain ibn Ishaq
- (c). Muhammad ibn Zakariyya ar Razi
- 4. Chemistry
- (a). Jabir Ibn Hayyan
- (b). Muhammad ibn Zakruyya ar RAzi
- (c). Abul Qasim al-Iraqi
- 5. Astronomy
- (a). al-Farghani (Alfraganus)
- (b). Thabit ibn Qurrah
- (c). al-Battani (Albategnius)
- (d). al-Biruni
- (e). al-Hazen
- (f). ibn Yunus
- (g). al-Zarqali
- (h). ibn Tufail
- (i). Ummar Khayyam
- 6. Art And Culture
- (a). Qutab al-Din Shirazi
- (b). Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi
- 7. Philosophy
- (a). Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi
- (b). followed by Abu Nasr al-Farabi
- 8. Social Sciences
- (a). Abd al-Rahman Abu Zaid ibn Khaldun
- Subject: “References - Scientists “
- Some English Books on Shi’a Beliefs
- Books For Children
- Books For Adults
- 1) Qur’an & Qur’anic Studies
- 2) Tradition And Prayers
- 3) Islamic Studies
- 4) Practical Laws And Fiqah
- 5) History
- 6) Ethics
- 7) New Arrivals
- Book List - Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an
- Holy Qur’an In Arabic With Translation In English
- Holy Qur’an In Arabic With Translation & Commentary In English
- Holy Qur’an In Arabic With Translation In Roman Script
- Holy Qur’an In English Translation Only
- Holy Qur’an In Various Other Languages
- Titles On Qur’anic Subjects
- Titles On Traditions (Hadiths)
- First Encylopedia of Islam (Brills) Vols I - IX
- Titles On Islamic History
- On Imam Mahdi (as)
- On The Twelve Imams (as) And The Ahl Al-Bayt
- General Topics
- Letters And Sermons Of Imam ‘Ali (as)
- On Shi’a’ism
- Titles On The Creator (God)
- Titles On Mankind And Death
- Our Philosophy
- Titles On Supplications
- Titles On Marriages
- Titles For Women
- Titles On Al- Islam
- Titles On Politics
- Titles On Economics
- Iqtisaduna (Translated as Our Economics
- Titles On Dietary Law
- Audio Cassettes