- Author's Foreword
- Author's Foreword For The New Edition
- 1. Methodology of Submission
- 2. Research’s Progression
- 3. Comprehensive Deduction
- Chapter 1: General Principle Precepts
- 1. Man's Life and Moral Values
- A Call Heard from Afar
- 2. What is Religion? What are its Roots in the Human Nature?
- Religion and Disposition
- 3. Role of Religion in Life
- A. Religion: Innovator of Sciences
- B. Religion: Pillar of Ethics
- C. Religion: Invincible Fortress in World's Fluctuations
- 4. Recognized Knowledge
- 5. Higher Branches of Knowledge in Islam
- Knowledge of the Cosmos and of Nature
- Man's Knowledge of His own Self
- Knowledge of History
- 6. Why do we look for the existence of Allah, Praise to Him?
- Avoiding Possible Harm
- Knowing Allah and Thanking the Originator of Blessings
- Notes
- Chapter 2: Ways To Knowing Allah
- Ways To Know Allah
- First Proof: Order Proof
- Order Proof in a Second Report
- Harmony: Sign of Feeling’s Involvement in the Existence of the Cosmos
- Order Proof in a Third Report
- Objectiveness: Sign Incorporates Feeling in System Development
- Order Proof in a Fourth Report
- Proof According to Probabilities of the Origin of Life
- Life Pawned to Terms and Conditions
- Confusion about the Order Proof
- Logical Connection between System and Sense
- Determining Logical Connection between System and Interference of Feeling in Another Way
- Second Proof: Possibility Proof
- Second Matter: Existence Relies On Its Cause
- Third Matter: Explaining Role and Sequence and Their Being Nil
- Two Examples for Explaining Non - Serialization
- Determining the Possibility Evidence
- Probability Evidence in the Holy Quran
- Question And Answer
- The Answer to this Argument is Multi - Faceted
- Chapter’s Conclusion
- Third Proof: Matter Creation Proof
- Creation Of The Cosmos According To Traditions
- Notes
- Chapter 3: Names And Attributes
- His Names, Attributes, Actions, Praise To Him
- Self Attributes of Goodness and Greatness
- Entitative and Operative Attributes
- Another Classification
- Descriptive Attributes
- Keeping a Distance from Assimilation and Analogy: Basis of Knowing the Attributes of the Praised One
- Assimilation and Dissimilation
- Sound Ways To Knowing Allah
- Rational Way
- Reviewing the Horizons and the Souls
- Referring to the Quran and Authentic Sunnah
- Divulging and Witnessing
- Why Avoid Researching Metaphysics?
- First Group: Materialists
- Second Group: Some do away with Tools of Knowledge
- Third Group: Claimants of Divulgence and Witnessing
- Fourth Group: Hanbalis and some Asharis
- A Return to the Theory of Narrators of Hadith in a New Method
- A robe threaded with 29 (alphabetical) letters
- Notes
- Chapter 4: Self - Positive Attributes
- Knowledge
- Inclusive Definition
- His Knowledge, Glory to Him, of Himself
- His knowledge, Glory to Him, of Himself
- Self - Knowledge Requires Variation
- His knowledge, the Glorified One, of Things before Creating Them
- Knowledge through Causality is Knowledge of Causer
- Knowing Causality is Knowing the Causer
- His Knowledge, Glory to Him, of Things After Creating Them
- His Knowledge, Glory to Him, is Action
- Expanse of His Presence is Evidence of His Knowledge
- Levels of His Knowledge, Glory to Him
- His Knowledge, Glory to Him, is Presential, not Incidental
- His Knowledge, Glory to Him, of Details
- Deniers’ Misconceptions
- First Misconception: Knowledge of Details Inheres Change in His Knowledge
- Misconception Analyzed
- Another Way to Resolve Misconception
- Second Misconception: Realizing Details Needs a Mechanism
- Third Misconception: Knowledge of Details Requires Plurality
- Fourth Misconception: Knowledge of Details Requires Turning What is Probable into a Must
- The Holy Quran and the Expanse of His Knowledge, the Most Exalted One
- Loftiness of the Quranic Expression About the Expanse of His Knowledge
- Statements by Imam Ali (as) About the Knowledge of the Most Exalted One of Details
- 3. Self - Affirmative Attributes
- Notes
- Potence
- Defining Potence
- Defending Both Definitions
- Indications of His Might
- First: Instinct
- Second: Cosmic Order
- Third: One Who Grants Perfection Does not Lack It
- Dominance of the Almighty’s Might Over Everything
- Evidences of Advocates of the Generality of Divine Might
- Expanse of His Might, Glory to Him, in Another Sense
- Religious Texts and the Expanse of His Might, Glory to Him
- Questions and Answers
- Misconceptions of Those Who Deny Might’s Generality
- Allah, Glory to Him, “Cannot” Do What is Ugly
- Almighty’s “Inability” To Do the Opposite of What He Knows
- His “Inability” to Do Similarly to What His Servants Do
- The Almighty’s “Inability” to Do Exactly What His Servant Does
- Notes
- Life
- Defining Life in Another Way
- Example for Depicting Development in the Absolute
- Evidence of His Being Living, Praise Belongs to Him
- His Being Living in the Quran and Sunnah
- Notes
- Hearing and Seeing
- Answering a Question
- “The Hearing” and “The Seeing” in the Quran and Sunnah
- Notes
- Realization
- Freewill
- Explaining Particularity of Divine Freewill
- Discussing Theory
- Question and Answer
- His Freewill, Praise Belongs to Him, Is His Pleasure With What He Does
- His Freewill, Praise Belongs to Him, Affects Might and Authority
- His Freewill, Praise Belongs to Him, is Equal Cause: Action Ratio
- The Truth in the Matter
- Freewill in the Sunnah
- Notes
- Perpetuity and Eternity
- Chapter 5: Operative Positive Attributes
- Speech
- First Situation: Truth of His Speech, the Most Exalted One
- Theory of the Mutazilis
- Theory of the Men of Wisdom
- And while you are the clear book wherein
- If you know this much, you will know how to praise
- Theory of the Asharis
- Research’s Conclusion
- Position of Ahl al - Bayt (as)
- Notes
- Truthfulness
- Note
- Wisdom
- Wisdom (Al - Hakeem): Above Doing What Should Not Be
- What is Rationally Good or Ugly
- About Applying Labels of Goodness and Ugliness
- Evidences of Advocates of Rational Judgments of What is Good and What is Ugly
- Asharis’ Evidences for Denying Rational Goodness and Ugliness
- Goodness and Ugliness According to the Holy Quran
- Outcomes of What Reason Deems to be Good or Ugly
- Knowledge as a Must
- Necessity of His Actions, Praise Belongs to Him, Being Above Sporting
- Servants Must Bear Obligations
- Necessity of Sending Prophets
- Necessity of Looking into Evidence of One Claiming to be a Prophet
- Knowledge of the Truth of the Claim of Prophetic Mission
- Conclusiveness, Perpetuation of Islam’s Rulings
- Ethics Remain Unaltered
- Wisdom During Hard Times of Trials and Tribulations
- Allah is Just, Does Not Wrong Anyone
- Ugliness of Penalizing Without Explaining
- Ugliness of Vesting Responsibility for What is Beyond Ability
- Extent of Impact of Destiny on Man’s Fate
- Man’s Freedom of Choice
- Justifying Hereafter Punishment
- Fruits of Determining What is Rationally Good or Ugly
- Objectives Justify Actions of the Most Praised One
- First Argument
- Explaining the Purposeful Objective
- Second Argument
- Third Argument
- Quran and the Wise Deeds of the Most Praised One
- Afflictions, Calamities, Ills and God as Being Wise
- First: It must be totally analyzed philosophically
- Philosophical Analysis of the Issue of Evil
- First: The narrow Outlook to Phenomena
- Second: Phenomena are Episodes in a Long Series
- Another Philosophical Analysis of Evils
- Educative Analysis of the Evils Issue
- Calamities: A method to Release Energies
- Afflictions and Calamities are Warning Bells
- Afflictions Cause a Return to Righteousness
- Afflictions are a Cause for Realizing and Appreciating Blessings
- Artificial Calamities of Tyrannical Systems
- Allah is Just and Does Not Oppress
- Avoiding Confusion
- Justice in the Holy Quran
- Justice in Islamic Legislation
- Mandating Beyond One’s Tolerance
- Asharis’ Proofs for Commanding What is Unbearable
- Pre - Actions Ability
- Notes
- Chapter 6: Descriptive Attributes
- Theory Analyzed
- They likened Him to His creation, then they were apprehensive
- Rendering
- Analyzing Rendering Theory
- Interpretation
- Procedure According to the Testifying Concept
- His Arsh, Praise Belongs to Him, and How He firmly Seats Himself on It
- Then Bishr seized control of Iraq
- Countenance of the Most Praised One
- Hands of the Most Praised One
- For what would you do, when attempting to reach what is high
- Notes