- Preface
- Appearance of Gnosis in Islam
- What do the Qur'an and Sunnah say about Gnosis?
- Notes
- Part 1: by Shaheed Murtada Mutahhari
- Introduction
- Theoretical Irfan
- Shari'ah, Tariqah and Haqiqah
- Note
- The Origins of Islamic ‘Irfan
- Notes
- A Brief History
- Notes
- 'Urafa' of the Second/Eighth Century
- 1. Al-Hasan al-Basri
- 2. Malik ibn Dinar
- 3. Ibrahim ibn Adham
- 4. Rabi'ah al-'Adawiyyah
- 5. Abu Hashim al-Sufi of Kufah
- 6. Shaqiq al-Balkhi
- 7. Ma'ruf al-Karkhi
- 8. Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyad
- Notes
- 'Urafa' of the Third/Ninth Century
- 1. Abu Yazid al-Bistami (Bayazid)
- 2. Bishr ibn al-Harith al-Hafi
- 3. Sari al-Saqati
- 4. Harith al-Muhasibi
- 5. Junayd of Baghdad
- 6. Dhu al-Nun al-Misri
- 7. Sahl ibn 'Abd Allah al-Tustari
- 8. Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj
- Notes
- 'Urafa' of the Fourth/Tenth Century
- 1. Abu Bakr al-Shibli
- 2. Abu 'Ali al-Rudbari
- 3. Abu Nasr al-Sarraj al-Tusi
- 4. Abu Fadl ibn al-Hasan al-Sarakhsi
- 5. Abu 'Abd Allah al-Rudbari
- 6. Abu Talib al-Makki
- 'Urafa' of the Fifth/Eleventh Century
- 1. Shaykh Abu al-Hasan al-Khurqani
- 2. Abu Sa'id ibn Abi al-Khayr
- 3. Abu 'Ali al-Daqqaq al-Nishaburi
- 4. Abu al-Hasan 'Ali ibn 'Uthman al-Hujwiri
- 5. Khwajah 'Abd Allah al-'Ansari
- 6. Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali
- 'Urafa' of the Sixth/Twelfth Century
- 1. 'Ayn al-Qudat al-Hamadani
- 2. Sanai Ghaznawi
- 3. Ahmad Jami
- 4. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani
- 5. Shaykh Ruzbihan Baqli Shirazi
- 'Urafa' of the Seventh/Thirteenth Century
- 1. Shaykh Najm al-Din Kubra
- 2. Shaykh Farid al-Din al-'Attar
- 3. Shaykh Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi
- 4. Ibn al-Farid al-Misri
- 5. Muhyi al-Din ibn al-'Arabi
- 6. Sadr al-Din Qunawi
- 7. Mawlana Jalal al-Din Muhammad Balkhi Rumi
- 8. Fakhr al-Din al-'Iraqi al-Hamadani
- 'Urafa' of the Eighth/Fourteenth Century
- 1. 'Ala' al-Dawlah Simnani
- 2. 'Abd al-Razzaq Kashani
- 3. Khwajah Hafiz Shirazi
- 4. Shaykh Mahmud Shabistari
- 5. Sayyid Haydar Amuli
- 6. 'Abd al-Karim Jilani
- Notes
- 'Urafa' of the Ninth/Fifteenth Century
- 1. Shah Ni'mat Allah Wali
- 2. Sa'in al-Din 'Ali Tarakeh Isfahani
- 3. Muhammad ibn Mamzah al-Fanari al-Rumi
- 4. Shams al-Din Muhammad Lahiji Nurbakhshi
- 5. Nur al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman Jami
- Note
- The Mystic's Stations (Maqamat)
- Zahid, 'abid & 'arif
- The 'arif's Goal
- The First Station
- Exercise and Self-Discipline
- Some Terms of ‘Irfan
- 1. Waqt (Moment)
- 2 & 3. Hal (State) and Maqam (Position)
- 4 & 5. Qabd (Contraction) and Bast (Expansion)
- 6 & 7. Jam (Gatheredness) and Farq (Separation)
- 8 & 9. Ghaybah (Absence) and Hudur (Presence)
- 10,11,12 & 13. Dhawq, Shurb, Sukr and Riyy
- 14, 15 & 16. Mahw, Mahq, and Sahw
- 17. Khawatir (Thoughts)
- 18.,19. & 20. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr
- Note
- Part 2: by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
- Part 2.1: Stages of Spiritual Journey by Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i
- Sincerity of Devotion
- Notes
- Part 2.2: The Twelve Worlds
- Explanation
- Seeking Allah's Guidance
- Notes
- Part 2.3: Rules of Attaining Spiritual Perfection
- 1) Renunciation of customs, usages and social formalities
- 2) Determination
- 3) Moderation
- 4) Steadiness
- 5) Continuance
- 6) Meditation
- 7) Checking
- 8) Censuring
- 9) Hastening
- 10) Faith and Reliance
- 11) Observance of the Rules of Veneration
- 12) Intention
- 13) Silence
- 14) Abstaining from Food or at least Observing Frugality
- 15) Solitude
- 16) Vigil
- 17) Continued Cleanliness
- 18) Practicing modesty and humility to the utmost degree
- 19) Abstaining from Tasty Food
- 20) Secrecy
- 21) Preceptor and Spiritual Guide
- 22) Daily Verbal Recitation of Liturgies
- 23, 24 & 25) Remembrance, Recollection, Evil thoughts
- Eradication of Devilish Insinuations
- Notes
- Part 3: by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
- Part 3.1: Interpretation of Surah al-Hamd by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
- Allah's Names are the Symbols of His Person
- The Whole World is a Name of Allah
- All Existing Things are a Sign of Allah
- Anything Which is Finite is a Possibly Existing Thing
- What is the Grand Name?
- All Existing Things Glorify Allah
- There are Many Things that we do not Know
- All Movements are the Names of Allah
- Everything in the World is A Manifestation of His Glory
- The Word Allah is a Comprehensive Manifestation of Divine Glory
- No Praise is of Anyone Else's Praise
- To Believe Something Intellectually is One Thing and to be Convinced of it is Another
- Man's Deeds Will Assume a Concrete Shape
- Self-Conceit is the Cause of All Troubles
- All Praises Belong to Allah
- Philosophical Reasoning is not much Effective
- The Difference between the Bismillah of each Surah
- Every Possibly Existing Thing Depends on Allah for its Existence as well as Continuation
- All Existing Things Are A Manifestation of Allah's Glory
- Emigration
- Seventy Years Back
- Worst Enemy
- Egoism the Cause of All Quarrels
- Aim of the Prophets
- Major Jihad
- Devotion is the Criterion
- Our Worship is For Paradise
- Prophets Come to Reform Men
- An Appeal to the Youth
- Continue Your Effort Till You Gain Complete Victory Over Your Lower Self
- Note
- Part 3.2: Relationship between Allah and His Creation
- The Creator and the Created
- Meanings of Al-Hamd
- Divine Glory in Everything
- Prophets' Observations and Experiences
- Meaning of Glory
- Nature of the Qur'an
- Exegesis of the Qur'an
- The Holy Prophet's Embarrassment
- Tendency of Monopolization in Knowledge
- Formal Knowledge is a Hurdle in the Way of Remembering Allah
- Mental and Concrete
- Rising for Allah
- Love of the World is the Root Cause of all Troubles
- Effect of Prayer on Heart
- The Qur'an Without Traditions and Prayer
- Note
- Part 3.3: Allah and His Glory
- Glory is Not Separate From the Glorious
- His Being And His Glory Are the Real Truth
- The Real Truth Is Nothing But He
- Lack of Any Excellence Means Limitation
- Observation is a Step Further than All Arguments and Proofs
- People Depending On Arguments Are Blind
- Faith Means Cordial Perception
- The Truth is Higher than What We Say and Hear
- Heart Also Means Something Quite Different from What We Understand
- What We Feel Are Qualities and Forms
- The Holy Prophet is the Exalted Name of Allah
- Even Our Existence is A Revelation of the Glory of Allah
- All Existing Things Are the Result of Divine Glory
- The Belief Is Essential
- Belief Must Be Based On Reason
- To Deny What One Does Not Know Is Unbelief
- We Must Not Deny the Qur'an and Sunnah
- Total Denial is a Stumbling Block
- We Must Do Away With Negative Attitude
- Denial of Prophethood
- Supplications and Worship Are Means
- Justice is a Quality Appropriate to Allah
- A Dispute About Grapes Between An Iranian, A Turk And An Arab
- How To Reconcile Different Groups And Their Ways Of Expression?
- Cause and Effect
- Meaning of “with you”
- Why Do the Wars Occur?
- Words in Imam's Supplications
- Imams pray for complete withdrawal
- A Question Difficult To Conceive, But Easy to Believe
- Imam Ali is the Eye of Allah, He is the Light of Allah's Eye
- Every Thing Must Be Investigated
- Misunderstandings Must Be Removed
- Even the Ant Loves Itself
- It Is Bad Luck To Be Unaware of Some Important Questions
- It is Wrong To Persuade People To Give Up Supplications
- Kasrawi And Hafiz
- Appendix: The Invocation of Shabaniyah
- Arabic text